You can't live as close to this show as I do & not go can you ?
I think there is nothing better than seeing craft items in real life giving you a chance to feel the quaily or colour match ...
Personally the crafting hall was a little sparse but I did apprieciate the wider aisles. I did buy a few ink pads & stamps but there seemed to be a lot less paper to choose from this time.
Next door in the Sewing for Pleasure Hall was a different story with stalls packed with beautiful materials fron all over the world & demonstations on quilting, rugging, tatting & more.
I spent the majority of both my time & my money in there.
Beautiful fabrics.
More wool.
Plus the beginnings of another hobby- Quilting !!
I obtained an inexpensive mini jelly roll & backing fabric & plan to give this a whirl :)
Also I got to meet shop owners from around this area giving a wider variety of bricks & motar shops for me to support.
All in all a fab day out xxx